But even in good weather it’s a tricky drive. I practice my dodging skills daily with the help of care free bear, oblivious deer, and suicidal poultry. There is the occasional raccoon family to avoid, or the odd sandhill crane. And if it’s not an animal testing my reflexes, it’s the Fedex truck tearing around the corner like a bat out of hell. The drive is even more fun in the dark, as you can imagine.
I am however, determined to survive the months ahead. I have replaced the tires on my car with all weather, all terrain ones and had them slashed for extra traction. My subscription to OnStar is renewed and I have started to stock the car with emergency supplies. I should be fine.
Fingers crossed.
And maybe send up a prayer or two.

I will stop complaining right now about the dutch traffic and time spend commuting! Good luck and be careful!
We drove that same road the other day and guess what? No bears to be seen, no deer either, not even fowl. Quite a challenge though in winter, I understand your worries. Pls do be cautious!
I am sure it has to do with the time of day (and the time of year) I drive down that road: early in the morning. Although yesterday the bear crossed right in front of my car in the middle of the afternoon. Turkeys try to kill themselves at all hours of the day though...
Looks like you are headed for daily adventures! Lots of good blogging fodder!
Visiting from SITS :)
Hi Hanneke,
This is Brynn with OnStar Communications. I’m sorry to hear that your commute each day is so tricky! It sounds like you’re taking the right precautions for staying safe, and I am happy to hear that OnStar will be with you to offer peace of mind along the way. You might also want to check out onstarconnections.com - it's a great resource for general road safety and driving tips.
If you ever need to reach an OnStar advisor, simply push your blue button at any time – we’re here 24/7/365!
Safe travels,
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