"I used to be a grandma but now I'm a mom. I was short like a grandma, but then I grew bigger and now I'm a mom. And when I get even bigger, I am going to be a big sister!"
Lola: "I would like to fly an airplane."
Me: "Well, when you get bigger, you could learn how."
Lola: "But I would miss you!"
Me: "But you would come back to me, after you're done flying."
Lola, softly: "But I don't know how to find my home."
Lola: "Remember? When you were a little baby, and I was your mom? Remember?"
Me: "Ummm..."
Lola: "I'm going to draw a picture of papa."
Me: "That's a great idea, he'll love that."
Lola: "But I am not going to give him a pagina." (That is not a typo.)
Me: "Of course not. Boys don't have vaginas."
Lola: "Oh. No, I mean a penis. I don't like penises."

I spoke with Lola on the phone today. Very interesting experience. But don't ask for any clever quotes.
Sorry about the anonymous comment....google account must not like me anymore....Judy
I tried to comment that Fiona asked me if i remember when she was the Mom and I was the kid. She also tells me she's really afraid to go to college because she doesn't know how to take the bus.
Too funny! She is so precious. Zoe used to always say "when i was a boy...I used to..."
I think you should have the penis quote cross-stitched onto a pillow and put it on her bed when she's about sixteen, just as a friendly reminder.
Oh my goodness, I love it! Too cute!
OMgosh, her little says are priceless!
Love your pink hair, btw.
Haha, I just literally laughed out loud at the pagina quote. Kids say the darndest things . . .
Sounds like she is very wise.
The things that come out of the mouths of babes. I have a four year old niece, and I am always entertained when in the presence of her company.
Visiting from SITS "like having a talking dog" That totally cracked me up!! Brilliant!!
Oh wow, I am totally there with my 3 year old too. The stuff they say is priceless.
My Little M is 4 now but the convos are very much the same. I especially love listening to her when she starts talking to herself and forgets that I am there.
Hahahahahahahahahaha...love it- what an adorable girl! I love talking to the babies before they find their filters!
Here fron SITS- Congrats on your SITS day!
Hilarious! I love little kids!
I love this. I have an almost 4 year old at home and have a regular post called "the little guy said" on my blog. They say the cutest things.
My almost 2 year old is now starting to use words and I am going to start adding her toddler ramblings...I just need to come up with a good title.
Happy SITS day!
LOL! Yes, I love toddlers and listening to what they have to say. She sounds like a riot and reminds me a little of my own little crazy toddlers.
Happy SITS day!
LOL! She is so cute! My husband and I lived in the Milwaukee area for five years, and going UP NORTH is the thing to do! It is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your blog!
Ha! What a cutie! I love the things my kids say ... they are so unintentionally entertaining! :)
Enjoy your SITS day! :)
Happy sits day! The pagina cracked me up!
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