After Ryan told her it was our anniversary, that we had gotten married four years ago, she looked at me and exclaimed: "You got married?!?"
And later to her grandmother: "Mom got married!"
At daycare during a nature walk, outfitted with little magnifying glasses: "Connie, I think we have a mystery here..."
"I am so frustrated, I am going to turn into a monster!" And no, we have not been watching The Incredible Hulk. She was just demonstrating she learned a new word that day. Everything was frustrating to her.
There is a lot of talk about bugs going around at the moment. People are calling in sick left and right. Lola knows why: "If you eat a bug, you get sick."
"Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary. Like a spider's dream."
It is almost time for bed and Lola will do anything to avoid having to go to bed. We're discussing the messes in our rooms. I suggest we clean up this weekend. "How about you clean your room tomorrow and I clean my room today. But maybe you need some help with the little things. You know who could help you?" Big smile, pointing at herself. "But only if you listen to me. Do you promise to listen to me?"

Ik kan niet wachten om haar in het echt te zien en te horen ;-) jullie kunnen bij ons logeren hoor als je nog behoefte hebt aan een slaap plaats ....... Jullie zijn altijd welkom!
Cute cute cute!
So cute, thanks for sharing those, it warms the heart.
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